Everyone has their opinion, and so I want to take the time to voice mine.
After viewing the video on YouTube(with the Marine throwing the puppy over a cliff), I'd like to voice my opinion, and please remember this is only my opinion, you are certainly entitled to yours!
I too am appalled without a doubt! However, my anger stems way back prior to this incident. Since the beginning of this war, we STILL have yet to see our Soldier's in the media, and all of the amazing things that they do on a daily basis! STILL!! Yet, the minute something horrific happens(and there have been a few things, such as a rape, etc.), but there are so many BEAUTIFUL THINGS our men and woman do, and yet we never ever hear about them. What about the day actor Heath Ledger died? No disrespect to him, or his family because he was an INCREDIBLE actor, but guess what, there were Soldier's who died on that same day! Do we know their names?
Sure, we hear about them on a forwarded email with pictures of the Men and Women in the Military at work, with the kids, etc., but our Media still continues to DWELL on the negative! Now for the story about the Marine who threw the puppy over the cliff. My understanding from the Internet postings and blogs is that his personal address and home phone number have been displayed all over the net, giving access to anyone, and yes the family has received death threats.
Should anyone have the right to post someones personal information?
I say NO, no matter what! I believe in the saying(I truly do)that what goes around comes around! We need not worry because I truly believe(if the video is authentic), my thoughts are that the Marines will certainly take action.
Do you ever get a forwarded link from ANYONE that shows the Soldier's over in Iraq & Afghanistan caring for stray animals. Well their are many, and here are two to view! Please do, they are amazing videos!
The following link is(words can't describe what an amazing man he was) Sgt. Peter Neelsey did not make it back from Iraq, but he cared for these stray dogs, and they made it back here to the U.S.A.
Please also check out this video at: http://media.abcnews.com/US/popup?id=4282885
I leave you with one thought, "Please don't think that one bad apple speaks for all," and please KEEP SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS--THEY ARE OVER THERE FIGHTING FOR US & OUR FREEDOM!!
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